In different parts of the world is being discussed about the legalization of drugs this topic has expressed different opinions, people have been presenting arguments valid for legalization among the various arguments set out three to strengthen this need approval to mitigate the terrible consequences that currently face illegal approach; the first point is wasteful and lucrative business that generates the black market then no quality controls as homogeneous doses and finally the disastrous between drug traffickers and political power alliances (Juan Carlos Hidalgo, "Ten reasons to legalize drugs", April 2, 2003).
Today the prohibition of drugs makes a stronger black market the drug cartels are enriched illegally with large amounts of money according to the United Nations: "drug trafficking generates $ 400,000 annual million which represents 8% of world trade" this money represent an irresistible temptation for criminals in the world and the present ban on drugs is not obstruction for this growing market, the current black market weakens to legalize drugs also decreases social problems such as the drugs sale to children and teenagers it neutralizes abuse and labor enslavement of poor economic and income generated would be regulated by a Comptroller national or similar entity.
The illegality of drugs raises handling questionable manufacture and proper handling substances the lack of an adequate quality control of drugs and sales of doses are not standardized mortality by poison or overdose are very high 80% of drug-related deaths are due to lack of access to standardized doses (Cato Institute, James Ostrowski), the legalization of drugs requires manufacturer to perform a transport and marketing in an economy with global health standards regulated by a Government Ministry with knowledge in physical, psychological, and emotional health.
The news on television and newspapers have shown as drug traffickers groups influencing different governmental, corruption is a fact, traffickers come to bribe extort or buy authorities such as police officers, customs officers, judges, all kinds of authorities that may be obstacles to the illegal drug market , creating an image of the Government authorities of distrust in the general population; the legalization of drugs minimizes these alliances because it is not necessary to pay money to sneak by regular business processes also the level of population in prison for this type of corrupt people will decrease, as well as police abuse, confiscation, and wrong searches of property.
Therefore, the legalization of drugs brings Nations apart from the arguments put forward earlier a learning live with drugs as it has been done with other substances such as alcohol and tobacco, this social learning is valuable to be able to reduce and internalize negative effects resulting from the use and abuse of drugs, we must know the behaviors and social attitudes needed to properly tackle the problems of addiction and consumption of those substances not to follow the self-destructive way in which we are the modern prohibition.
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no forget that these substances legalization would mean a new source of revenue for the country taking into account that the drugs would be in the country anyway and that money is currently wasting
ResponderEliminarI think that the drug some day will be legalized because in my opinion this is the solution. However Costa Rica is a brige of drug and dirty money and our violence is increasing by drugs . Only the costaricans have the solution, Legalizing drugs yes or not.
ResponderEliminarI'm not agree with you because many young people is used that. Some countries think that whether drugs are legalized the consumption decrease. But personal I think that this isn’t the solution, because it affect the values of the family, allows increased consumption drugs, and bad relation with the society. Some studies say: In 1975, the court in Alaska increased permissiveness to possess more marijuana. By 1988, between the ages of 12 and 17 years, consumption rose to more than double the U.S. national average. Finally, in 1990, turned to the old scheme of prohibition and consumption began to decline slowly.
ResponderEliminarIn England, between 1960 and 1970, heroin addicts were multiplied by 30 and, during the '80s, the number grew nearly 40 percent a year, now repentant, facing the enormous cost of treating thousands of addicts. In comparison, during that time the number of heroin addicts in the United States remained at figures of about 500 000 users.
This is like alcohol when it is legalized everyone wants to prove and the worst is that consumption starts in younger age.
This is the link when a took some information: http://www.hiperactivos.com/legalizar.shtml