From an economic perspective of poverty is caused by several factors, one factor is the level of academic education received who is not allowed to find better jobs which calls for a minimum of fifth year approved school; for example, "required clerk, requirements: Bachelor's degree , one year of experience clerk or similar, Excel skills at the intermediate level " (employment.com to company,2010) where a big group don't have these requirements due to abandon early studying "however was identified that causes that most affect the abandonment of the institution is the socio-economic", (The drop in Costa Rica: a study of the causes and consequences in an educational institution, 1996). Another factor is the defeatism that exists in people living in an environment of pity and co-dependence of governmental and private institutions, they say: “They have to help me I cannot do it”, noted it in interviews that do newscasts to needy people, the most demanding help from others and they are waiting without doing anything else which brings us to a third factor laziness and conformism two concepts that together are an obstacle in the overcoming of the individual, when the people are not try to achieve goals, dreams or jobs, raises finding excuses to justify the loitering or lack of healthy ambition and they are falling into the conformism; there are more factors to considered, but the lack of academic studies, the defeatism and the vagrancy in an individual or group of persons is synonymous with economic poverty, let us be even better each day, and we don’t take it these attitudes.
Works Cited:
http://www.opcionempleo.co.cr/job/b70c67f5a0ba52d1e918050e6abdaa53.html) http://historia.fcs.ucr.ac.cr/articulos/desersion.htm
It is very difficult to eradicate poverty, but if the government will put more attention to people in these conditions and the rulers cease to be so corrupt, perhaps be achieved to alleviate extreme poverty.